
Dev Site Batch Details

Batch: d646
Name: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison
Project_Name: STORMS
Description: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison
Number_of_workunits: 10
Submit_date: 2024-05-23 12:08:56
App: oifs_43r3_bl
Owner: Clement Bouvier
First_start_year: 2016
Last_start_year: 2016
UMID_start: a000
UMID_end: a009
Tech_info: 10 workunit corresponding to different background states.
Batch_emails_on: 0
Batch_finalised: 1
Closed_date: 2024-07-22 16:05:08

Batch Statistics

Last updated on: 2024-07-22 00:01:01

Success: 10 (100%)
Fails: 0 (0%)
Hard Fail: 0 (0%)
Running: 0 (0%)
Unsent: 0 (0%)

A breakdown of successful completions by Operating System
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