
Dev Site Batch Details

Batch: d629
Name: OpenIFS seasonal winter 2019 NDJF: identical forecast batch
Project_Name: OpenIFSATHOME
Description: Experiment with the OpenIFS@Home 43r3 for the winter 2019/2020. This batch is a duplicate of Tim Hempels experiment but using ERA5 initial conditions and each task is the same forecast. The aim is to look at spread from running on different machines and
Number_of_workunits: 5
Submit_date: 2024-02-05 15:08:27
App: oifs_43r3
Owner: Glenn Carver
First_start_year: 2019
Last_start_year: 2019
UMID_start: a000
UMID_end: a3uv
Tech_info: OpenIFS@Home 43r3 experiment for the NDJF winter 2019/2020. T159L60 resolution, using a minimal output namelist. Each forecast is identical. Uses CMIP5 GHG & aerosols as in Tim's original experiment.
Batch_emails_on: 1
Batch_finalised: 0


Batch Statistics

Last updated on: 2024-05-04 00:01:01

Success: 5 (100%)
Fails: 3 (60%)
Hard Fail: 0 (0%)
Running: 0 (0%)
Unsent: 0 (0%)

A breakdown of successful completions by Operating System
Restricted access to batch CPU analysis